Friday, August 29, 2008

What is FORM

FORM™ contains SWELL®, a proprietary, ultra-pure FDA-compliant hydrogel platform technology owned and developed by Wellosophy™ Corporation for use as a pre-meal gastric bulking agent. When combined with water, FORM expands in your stomach, sending a message to your brain that you are less hungry. FORM puts you in control of your portions, helping you make decisive eating habits, not compulsive ones. Weight management should be simple without harmful side effects or surgery.

FORM: Simplicity to the next power.

It's all about meal portion control...

FORM™ capsule contains hundreds of FORM microbeads; made from our proprietary, non-toxic, FDA-approved water-absorbent polymer designed to expand up to 500 times in size when taken as directed.

FORM™ rapid-acting capsule dissolves within 10 minutes of ingestion. The microbeads absorb the free water and expand to fill the stomach; promoting the release of hormones that signals the hunger center in the brain to suppress your appetite. So by the time you sit down and start eating, you are already beginning to "feel full."

Simply stated:
FORM™ lets you eat less without feeling hungry, and in combination with a healthy lifestyle and weight management program, most people using FORM™ tend to lose more weight than with dieting and/or exercise alone.

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